Reducing the weight of packaging - lightweighting - can be an effective way to loweritsenvironmental impact. In addition to reducing plastic use, companies can lowercarbon emissions associated with transportation and raw material production. Henkel, for instance, reduced the thickness of its Taft hairspray cans, saving over 15 percent in materials and water used during production,preventing about 3,500 metric tonnesof CO2 and 900,000 cubic meters of water annually.
Lightweighting offers significant benefits but brings challenges too. Switching from glass or aluminum to PET may lower carbon footprint but makes the material less likely to be recycled. And reducing the mass of plastic used in packaging can make it less economically attractive to recycle too, meaning some lightweighted packaging is more likely to end in landfill.
[Image Credit: © Matthias Böckel from Pixabay]